Thursday, June 25, 2009

With a bitter end comes a bright new...

As the semester at Yonsei University has come to a close and people are slowly making their ways back home, I am forced to let loose these bonds that I have created with these great people over the last 4 months. Although, I still love it Seoul it will not be the same without these people here by my side. Most of us got here in February not knowing anything about this place. We all went thru the same feeling out process and by the end I can safely say that everyone enjoyed an experience in their life that they will never forget. Hope all you guys go back home safely and I hope our paths cross and some point in the future.

Along with the end of the semester, comes a new chapter in life for me. No longer is there a set progression of events in life. No longer a red line on a map telling me where to go. The coming months and years of my life will truly show what I have learned over the past 22 years of my life. I am sad and nostalgic about the great times I have enjoyed while attending school whether it be college or high school but it is time to move on. I will be the first to admit it that it is indeed scary not knowing what the future will bring especially in a foreign country such as Korea but I am excited at the same time. So much I want to accomplish yet not knowing exactly which in which direction to start. So much to come, so little known, so exciting... let's get started!
(for starters, Thailand tomorrow for a week!)

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