Sunday, March 1, 2009

NIGHTLIFE (3/1/09)

What an experience the last 2 weeks has been... Full of walking everywhere, eating all sorts of korean foods, drinking loads of soju, meeting new people, and just finding out what this city has to offer. The pace of a normal day in Korea has picked up dramatically since international exchange students started to flow into Sinchon for orientation a lil more than a week ago. With so much to do and so many people to see I barely even have time now to eat at my pad anymore. I've been going out to eat almost every meal and then hitting the town at night. With that combination, let's just say I haven't been saving that much money the past few days. After a couple days of visiting some mind-numbing tourist spots in Seoul with a giant herd of about 80 international students I went out this past Thursday to a small drinking joint in Hongde called the Pirate Bar with a few friends I had met that day and by the end of our stay, the number of people in our group swelled up to 19! After the bar, a majority of that group decided to go clubbing which I wasn't anticipating but of course, I'm always down for. The location of debauchery on this Thursday night was a popular club in Hongde called NB2, which played a bunch of mainstream American hip hop songs (the shitty likes of T-Pain among others). It was hilarious to watch the Korean guys and how scared some of them are to dance with girls. Most of them either stand there like a board or dance to the beat of a song that must be playing in their head b/c it's definitely not the song playing at the club.
A couple days later I guess I couldn't get enough of that Korean nightlife so hit another club in Hongde called M2 which played some loud ass house music. The place was crackin by midnight but there were a LOT of foreigners there. A couple of my friends and I stayed out until 4:30 getting some late night munchies at a Korean stand known as a poh-jun-mah-cha which is the Korean equivalent of a Mexican taco truck in California. After yet another long night of drinking and dancing, today it's time to rest up a bit because tomorrow is the first day of classes at Yonsei. Tomorrow's schedule is a pretty full so I'm gonna have to sign off. Until next time...


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